Saturday, January 10, 2015

OneWord 365 - new word

I don't think it's part of the game.... to change your word after a couple of weeks --- BUT --- rules are meant to be broken, right?....wait... is it a rule?
Anyways.... after the first few days of the year and being so productive around the house .... cleaning and organizing and all that.... I found myself saying a different word than "verve" ---- so I decided I needed to shift my focus to another word, before the year got good and started.
I am changing my word to "reduce".
Sounds a little .... off.... BUT.... so far this week, it's been oddly amazing. I've continually had this word in my brain....incorporating it into my every day.... and almost my every thought. Here's a few of my thoughts on this.....REDUCE....
 ~ clutter and stuff lingering around the house. If not used, then recycle or rid.
 ~ spending on frivolous things. If no real purpose, then don’t spend/purchase.
 ~ waistline by eating healthier foods.
 ~ dr. pepper/soda intake….by drinking more water.
 ~ junk food intake.
 ~ health risk by taking better care of myself – eating better, being more active/proactive.
 ~ stress.
 ~ idle time....
The list seems to go on and on and on..... so, I think this will be a better word for me to actively focus on and who knows --- I may even accomplish something with it. 

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